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A Guideline of Birthstone Meaning and History

Key Takeaways

  1. Birthstones are special gems that represent each month of the year and have different meanings and powers.
  2. The history of birthstones goes back to ancient times when people believed that the 12 stones on the breastplate of Aaron, the high priest of Israel, had a connection to the 12 months, the 12 zodiac signs, and the 12 apostles.
  3. Today, there are different lists of birthstones for different countries and cultures, but the most common one is the one adopted by the American National Association of Jewelers in 1912, with some updates in later years.
  4. You can find out what your birthstone is and what it symbolizes by looking at the table below, which also shows the zodiac sign associated with each month.

From the ancient times to the modern era, birthstones have been a symbol of good luck, protection, and prosperity. Each month has its own unique gemstone, and each gemstone has its own fascinating history and meaning. 

We will explore the captivating world of birthstones and their significance in different cultures and traditions.



Zodiac Sign





Protection, courage, loyalty




Wisdom, peace, healing


Aquamarine, Bloodstone


Calmness, strength, vitality




Love, purity, power




Fertility, rebirth, growth


Pearl, Alexandrite, Moonstone


Purity, harmony, change




Passion, courage, health


Peridot, Spinel


Happiness, prosperity, protection




Truth, loyalty, wisdom


Opal, Tourmaline


Creativity, hope, balance


Topaz, Citrine


Joy, abundance, energy


Turquoise, Zircon, Tanzanite


Luck, protection, wisdom

What Are Birthstones and Why Are They Important?

Sparkly gems on Rings, Necklaces, and Bracelets aren't just pretty – they can tell a story! Each birth month has a special gemstone linked to it, called a birthstone. These gems aren't just shiny rocks, though.  They have meanings and powers that some believe can bring good luck, protect you, or even show your true self! Even if you don't believe that,  your birthstone still has a cool history waiting to be discovered. So, ready to dive into the amazing world of birthstones?

How Did Birthstones Originate?

The history of birthstones spans thousands of years, reaching back to ancient civilizations like the Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, Persians, and Indians. These cultures assigned specific gemstones to each month, drawing from their beliefs and traditions.

A significant ancient reference to birthstones is found in the Bible, specifically in the book of Exodus. The narrative tells of Aaron, Moses' brother and the inaugural high priest of the Israelites. Instructed by God, Aaron crafted a distinctive breastplate adorned with 12 gemstones, each representing one of the 12 tribes of Israel. These very gemstones are connected to today's modern birthstones, believed to possess magical abilities for foreseeing the future.

Another source tying gemstones to birth months is the zodiac, a system of 12 signs aligning with the positions of stars and planets in the sky. Employed by the ancient Greeks and Romans, the zodiac served to predict the future and discern individual personalities. Each zodiac sign is associated with a gemstone reflecting its qualities and characteristics.

In the realm of Christian tradition, Valentine connection. Here, 12 gemstones are linked with the 12 apostles of Jesus. These gemstones symbolize the virtues and teachings of the apostles, worn by Christians as a representation of their faith and devotion.

How Did Birthstones Change Over Time?

The selection of birthstones has evolved over time, influenced by cultural shifts, geographical factors, and fashion trends. Different perspectives have led to varying opinions on which gemstones correspond to specific months. The names and colors of the gemstones are often influenced more by appearance than scientific composition.

The widely accepted list of birthstones today can be traced back to the American National Association of Jewelers in 1912. This list was crafted with a blend of popularity and accessibility in the United States, drawing inspiration from European and Middle Eastern traditions. Noteworthy updates in 1952, 2002, and 2016 introduced new gemstone options, enriching the choices associated with different months.

Different countries and cultures maintain their unique lists of birthstones, often diverging from the American standard. The rich tapestry of birthstone traditions unfolds uniquely across the globe. Let me know if you have any other questions! 

How to Choose and Wear Your Birthstone?

Flaunt your birthstone with a variety of styles like Gemstone Rings, Necklaces, Bracelets, or Earrings. Customize your gem by choosing the shape, size, and setting to match your taste and budget. Whether it's a personal expression, a celebration of your birthday, or a heartfelt gift, wearing your birthstone adds a unique touch.

It can symbolize your faith, serve as inspiration, or connect you to someone special. Regardless of your motive or style, embrace your birthstone to feel a special connection to yourself and the world around you.

What are the Meanings and Powers of Each Birthstone?

Each birthstone holds a unique meaning and power, reflecting the qualities of those born in that month. These characteristics stem from various factors like the Color, Shape, and origin of the Gemstone, as well as the legends and stories surrounding it. Let's delve into a concise overview of the meanings and powers of each Birthstone, sprinkled with interesting facts and tips.

January: Garnet

Garnet, a deep red gemstone, symbolizes protection, courage, and loyalty. When you don this gem, you embody traits of bravery, faithfulness, and passion. Beyond mere adornment, garnet is believed to empower you to conquer fear, anger, and depression, fostering an inner sanctuary of peace and happiness.

This ancient gemstone boasts a remarkable history, utilized by various civilizations as both a talisman and a weapon. Its name, derived from the Latin word "Granatum," meaning "Pomegranate," pays homage to its resemblance to the seeds of this vibrant fruit. 

  • Wear garnet as a ring or a pendant to keep it close to your heart and boost your confidence and love.
  • Wear garnet with gold or silver to enhance its beauty and power.

February: Amethyst

Amethyst Gemstone

Amethyst, the purple gemstone, embodies wisdom, peace, and healing. This captivating gem belongs to the quartz family, gaining its distinctive purple hue from the presence of iron and manganese. The term "Amethyst" originates from the Greek word “Amethystos,” translating to "Not intoxicated." The spectrum of Amethyst's purple tones varies from light to dark, occasionally displaying hints of pink or blue.

Amethyst halo Earrings

Wearing Amethyst goes beyond aesthetics; it's like having a companion that enhances your inner strengths and guards against unwanted disturbances. So, whether you're drawn to its vibrant shades or intrigued by its historical significance, amethyst stands as a fascinating gemstone with a rich tapestry of meanings.

  • Wear amethyst as earrings or a necklace to stimulate your mind and your third eye chakra, which is the center of your intuition and vision.

March: Aquamarine, Bloodstone

Blood stone and Aquamarine

Aquamarine, a calming blue-green gem, symbolizes serenity, courage, and energy. Beyond aesthetics, it reduces stress, aids communication, and promotes healing. Named for its likeness to the sea, aquamarine comes in various shades, from pale to deep blue-green, occasionally with hints of yellow or gray.

Bloodstone, a dark green gem with red spots, signifies vitality and courage. Those who wear it are associated with power and bravery. It enhances immunity, stamina, and endurance. The name "Bloodstone" originates from the belief that red spots are the blood of Christ. Bloodstone varies in green shades, from light to dark, sometimes incorporating yellow, brown, or black.

Some tips for wearing aquamarine and bloodstone are:

  • Wear aquamarine as a ring or a bracelet to keep it close to your hands and enhance your expression and creativity.
  • Wear aquamarine with gold or platinum to highlight its beauty and power.

April: Diamond

White diamond for April

Diamonds, those exquisite gemstones, embody love, purity, and power. When you wear a diamond, you not only adorn yourself with a sparkling jewel but also embrace qualities of loyalty, honesty, and strength. 

What makes the diamond truly exceptional is its status as the hardest and most durable gemstone globally, crafted from pure carbon. In essence, a diamond is not merely a piece of jewelry; it's a symbol of enduring strength, purity, and the potential for a brighter, more prosperous future. 

May: Emerald

 Green Emerald for May Birthmonth

Emerald, a vibrant green gemstone, symbolizes fertility, rebirth, and growth. When you wear an Emerald, you embody nurturing qualities, creativity, and prosperity. This gemstone is believed to contribute to improved health, fertility, and luck while inspiring you to live in harmony with nature and those around you.

Derived from the Greek word "smaragdos," meaning "green stone," emerald is a type of beryl. Its captivating hue, ranging from light to dark green, sometimes with a bluish or yellowish tint, is a result of the presence of chromium and vanadium.

  • Wear emerald as a ring or a pendant to keep it close to your heart and enhance your love and compassion.
  • Wear emerald with gold or silver to accentuate its beauty and power.

June: Pearl, Alexandrite, Moonstone


Pearl necklace for her

Picture a white, lustrous gem, a symbol of purity, harmony, and wisdom. If you wear a pearl, you're often seen as gentle, elegant, and wise. Did you know? Pearl is the only gemstone created by a living creature – the oyster. As a protective measure, the oyster wraps a layer of nacre around foreign objects, like a grain of sand. Over time, this process results in the formation of a pearl. The name "pearl" originates from the Latin word "perla," meaning "little bag," aptly describing its shape. While pearls can be found in various colors, including pink, black, and gray, the classic white pearl remains the most common.


Alexandrite gemstone

Step into the realm of the rare and mysterious with alexandrite. This gem embodies change, magic, and joy. If you're drawn to alexandrite, chances are you're adaptable, curious, and cheerful. The gem supports you in coping with change, exploring new possibilities, and attracting good fortune.

Fun fact: Alexandrite, a type of chrysoberyl, boasts a captivating color-changing property. In daylight, it dazzles in shades of green or blue, while artificial light reveals hues of red or purple. The gem earned its name from the Russian tsar Alexander II, born on the day of its discovery in 1834. Alexandrite can be found in various shades depending on the light – green, blue, red, and purple.


Moon Stone Ring for her

Enter the realm of the milky and iridescent moonstone, symbolizing femininity, intuition, and dreams. Wearers of moonstone are often described as sensitive, imaginative, and romantic. Did you know? Moonstone, a type of feldspar, creates a mesmerizing rainbow-like effect called adularescence when reflecting light. While moonstones come in various colors such as white, peach, and gray, the milky variant remains the most common.

  • Wear Pearls as earrings or a necklace to stimulate your throat chakra, which is the center of your communication and expression.
  • Wear Alexandrite as a ring or a bracelet to keep it close to your hands and enhance your creativity and curiosity.
  • Wear a Moonstone as a pendant or a brooch to keep it close to your forehead and activate your crown chakra, which is the center of your spirituality and enlightenment.

July: Ruby

Ruby gemstone on all shape

This bright red beauty isn't just eye-catching; it's packed with symbolism. When you sport a ruby, you're not just wearing a gem – you're embodying passion, courage, and good health. What makes ruby even more fascinating is its tie to boldness, confidence, and adventure. It's like a boost for your vitality, enthusiasm, and charisma. 

Ruby gemstone stud earrings

Now, let's dive into the science behind this stunning gem. Ruby belongs to the corundum family, and its striking red hue comes courtesy of chromium. The very name "Ruby" traces its roots back to the Latin word "Ruber," meaning "Red" – a fitting tribute to its fiery and diverse shades, ranging from pink to crimson, sometimes even showing a purplish or orangish hint.

August: Peridot, Spinel

Peridot gemstone ring

Peridot, a delightful light green gem, brings with it feelings of happiness, prosperity, and protection. If you wear peridot, you're associated with being cheerful, generous, and optimistic. This gemstone is like your personal good luck charm, helping you attract abundance and success while keeping evil and negativity at bay.

Derived from the Arabic word "faridat," meaning "gem," peridot is a type of olivine. Its color, ranging from yellowish to brownish, sometimes with a golden or olive hue, comes from the presence of iron and magnesium.

  • Wear peridot as earrings or a necklace to stimulate your solar plexus chakra, which is the center of your power and confidence.
  • Wear spinel as a ring or a bracelet to keep it close to your hands and enhance your creativity and flexibility.

September: Sapphire

Blue sapphire gemtone

So, you've got this awesome gemstone, sapphire, which is like a cool, dark blue rock. It's not just any rock, though - it's all about truth, loyalty, and wisdom. People wearing sapphire are like the real deal - sincere, faithful, and wise. Plus, this gem boosts their communication skills, intuition, and learning mojo, all while keeping them safe from harm and deception.

  • Wear sapphire as earrings or a necklace to stimulate your throat chakra, which is the center of your communication and expression.
  • Wear sapphire with silver or white gold to accentuate its elegance and purity.

October: Opal, Tourmaline

Opal Gemstone Ring in Gold

October boasts two beautiful birthstones: opal and tourmaline. Opal, a milky and colorful gemstone, symbolizes creativity, hope, and balance. When you wear opal, you embody imagination, optimism, and harmony. This mesmerizing gem can help you articulate your emotions, ignite your dreams, and reach your goals.

On the other hand, tourmaline is a versatile and vibrant gemstone symbolizing healing, protection, and happiness. Those adorned with tourmaline are associated with health, safety, and joy. This gem aids in the healing of physical and emotional wounds, shields against negativity, and attracts positive energy.


Tourmaline, a boron silicate, showcases a spectrum of colors—green, pink, blue, and black—dictated by the presence of other elements. Its name, derived from the Sinhalese word “turmoil,” means “mixed gems,” reflecting its diverse and intricate nature. Tourmaline can be found in various shades, from light to dark, sometimes exhibiting a captivating multicolored or watermelon-like appearance.

  • Wear an opal as a ring or a pendant to keep it close to your heart and ignite your passion and creativity.
  • Wear opal with gold or copper to enhance its beauty and power.
  • Wear tourmaline as a bracelet or a brooch to keep it close to your body and heal your physical and emotional pain.        

November: Topaz, Citrine

London topaz and Citrine

Topaz, a vibrant yellow gem, symbolizes joy, abundance, and energy, believed to bring cheerfulness and enhance mental and physical strength. Its name, derived from the Greek word "topaz" meaning "fire," reflects its brightness. Ranging in colors from blue to pink, the most common is yellow, attributed to iron and chromium in its composition.

Now, let's explore citrine, a golden gem representing warmth, optimism, and vitality. Wearers are linked to a positive and energetic disposition, with citrine boosting confidence, creativity, and motivation. It also provides protection from negativity and bad luck.

  • Wear topaz as earrings or a necklace to stimulate your solar plexus chakra, which is the center of your power and confidence.
  • Wear Citrine as a ring or a bracelet to keep it close to your hands and enhance your creativity and motivation.

December: Turquoise, Zircon, Tanzanite

Tanzanite gemstone ring

Turquoise, a blue-green gem, is believed to bring luck, protection, and wisdom. Embrace its positive vibes for well-being and sharpened communication. "Turquoise" comes from the French word "Turkish," signifying its journey from Turkey to Europe.

Zircon, a clear gem, symbolizes purity and prosperity, boosting charm and attracting wealth. Its name, rooted in the Persian word "zargun," means "gold-colored." Tanzanite, a rare gem, represents transformation and inspiration, fostering adventure, vision, and creativity. Named after Tanzania, where it was first found in 1967.

Whether drawn to the luck of turquoise, purity of zircon, or transformative energy of tanzanite, these birthstones offer beauty and a touch of magic to enhance your life.

  • Wear turquoise as earrings or a necklace to stimulate your throat chakra, which is the center of your communication and expression.
  • Wear zircon as a ring or a pendant to keep it close to your heart and ignite your passion and prosperity.
  • Wear tanzanite as a ring or a bracelet to keep it close to your hands and enhance your creativity and vision.


Birthstones go beyond being simply beautiful and colorful gems. Their history is truly fascinating, and the symbolism they carry can add depth to your life and personality. Regardless of whether you decide to adorn yourself with your birthstone, there's much to gain from delving into its origin, meaning, and inherent power. Appreciate the unique connection it shares with your birth month and zodiac sign.

Explore the varied lists and options of birthstones across different countries and cultures. This journey might lead you to discover rare and unfamiliar gems, expanding your knowledge in the process. Birthstones offer a delightful avenue to celebrate your individuality and embrace diversity. They allow you to express your identity and style in a way that feels authentic to you.


1. How do I know if my birthstone is Real or Fake?
To verify the authenticity of your birthstone:

  • Check Markings: Research genuine gemstone markings.
  • Consult a Jeweler: Visit a professional for assessment.
  • Inspect Flaws: Real stones may have imperfections.
  • Ensure Color Consistency: Look for uniform color.
  • Consider Weight and Temperature: Authentic stones have specific weight and feel cool.
    When in doubt, consult a jeweler for a thorough assessment. If you have email marketing queries, feel free to ask!

2. How do I take care of my Birthstone Jewelry?
Keep your birthstone jewelry shining! Wipe gently, store in a cool place, and avoid chemicals. Remember to handle with care!

3. How do I choose a good quality Gemstone?
Choosing a quality gemstone? Focus on vibrant hues, flawless cuts, and certified authenticity. Consider origin, durability, and buy from reputable dealers. Make a dazzling choice! 

4. What month is ruby the Birthstone for?
Ruby is the birthstone for the month of July.

5. What is the gemstone for January?
The gemstone for January is garnet.

6. What are the 2 birthstone for September?
The two birthstone for September are Sapphire.